Enjoy the latest technological innovations at St. Helens Dental Care. The St. Helens Dental Care team now utilizes the E4D dental system. An exciting new technology, E4D is a complete system, giving our staff invaluable tools for designing and fabricating a number of materials to improve your dental health.
The E4D aids in the step-by-step creation of inlays/onlays, crowns, veneers, and more ― all done on site. The precision and efficiency of this technology means better tools at your dentist’s disposal, better results for your oral health, and faster treatment. With the help of the E4D technology, you will have the dazzling smile you always wanted in even less time.
Digital X-rays (Radiographs)
Digital X-rays (or radiographs) are a technological advancement that results in less exposure to radiation for our patients and an almost instantaneous picture for our dentists. Unlike traditional, film-based X-rays, digital X-rays often show more detail and can be archived in our system for future reference and comparison. You will appreciate a more comfortable visit with less waiting and quicker treatment.

The DIAGNOdent® is an exciting dental technology that allows us to find cavities on the chewing surfaces of back teeth ― even when they are just beginning and would have been missed by previous detection methods. The DIAGNOdent is a small, portable laser unit that detects the cavity and alerts us with an audible signal and a numerical readout, providing information about the cavity’s size. The value is that we can stop cavities in their infancy, whereas in the past they would have to be significantly bigger before we could find and treat them. Just like other areas of medicine and dentistry, early detection and treatment is of immeasurable value in preserving your health.
IntraOral Camera
An intraoral camera lets you see inside your mouth during both treatment planning and dental procedures. Our intraoral camera displays your teeth on a video screen, allowing St. Helens Dental Care to walk you through your proposed treatment. The use of this camera allows us to work with you as a team to meet your dental care goals. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and to discuss your treatment options with you. We want you to picture how your appearance will improve with dental care, giving you all the more reason to smile.
New Patient Experience
We are committed to providing excellent customer service and making our patients feel at home in our office. We are always accepting new patients and we look forward to welcoming you to our practice.
Afford Your Care
Our focus has always been to provide the highest quality dental care to our valued patients. We are committed to making our patients’ dental treatment painless and affordable.